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Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior/

Coon, Dennis

Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior/ by Dennis Coon - 16th - Boston, MA: Cengage: c2022 - xxvi, 705 pages; illustrations: 29 centimeters - c2022

Includes bibliographical references and index

The Foundations of Psychological Science -- Brain and Behavior -- Human Development -- Sensation and Perception -- States of Consciousness -- Conditioning and Learning -- Memory -- Cognition, Language, and Creativity -- Intelligence -- Motivation and Emotion -- Sex, Gender, and Sexuality -- Personality -- Health, Stress, and Coping -- Psychological Disorders -- Therapies -- Social Thinking and Social Influence -- Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior -- Applied Psychology



BCir. 150 / C78i