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Financial institutions management : A risk management approach /

Saunders, Anthony

Financial institutions management : A risk management approach / by Anthony Saunders - Eleventh edition - New York, NY : McGraw-Hill, c2024 - xxv, 931 pages : colored illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes index.

Contents: Why are financial institutions special?--Financial services: depository institutions--Financial services: finance companies--Financial services: securities firms and investment banks--Financial services: insurance companies--Risks of financial institutions--Interest rate risk 1--Interest rate risk 2--Credit risk: individual loan risk--Credit risk: loan portfolio and concentration risk--Liquidity risk--Foreign exchange risk--Sovereign risk--market risk--Off-balance-sheet risk--Technology and other operational risks--Liability and liquidity management--Deposit insurance and other liability guarantees--Capital adequacy--Product and geographic expansion--Futures and forwards--Options, caps, floors, and collars--Swaps--Loan sales--Securitization.


Financial institutions -- United States -- Management.
Risk management -- United States.
Financial services industry -- United States -- Management.

BCir. 332.1068 / Sa871