Start-Up background and tactics in managing Redragon Aqua Farm and Resort: a single case study/
Casucot, Justine Ralph O.
Start-Up background and tactics in managing Redragon Aqua Farm and Resort: a single case study/ by Justine Ralph O. Casucot, Judisa C. Alonsagay and Ashly Verula. - Bansalan : University of Mindanao Bansalan College, c2022
BT C279s
Start-Up background and tactics in managing Redragon Aqua Farm and Resort: a single case study/ by Justine Ralph O. Casucot, Judisa C. Alonsagay and Ashly Verula. - Bansalan : University of Mindanao Bansalan College, c2022
BT C279s