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Income taxation /

Income taxation / by Enrico D. Tabag and Earl Jimson R. Garcia - 2024 edition - Quezon City : EDT Book Publishing, c2024 - xii, 642 pages : illustrations ; 23 centimeters - c2024

1. Fundamental principles of taxation.-- 2. Individual taxpayers.-- 3. Fringe benefit tax and de minimis benefits.-- 4. Co-ownership, estates and trusts.-- 5. Income taxes on corporations.-- 6. Partnerships.-- 7. Gross income.-- 8. Inclusions and exclusions from gross income.-- 9. Dealings in properties.-- 10. Deductions from gross income.-- 11. Installment reporting of income and installment payment of capital gains tax.-- 12. Income tax credit and optional standard deductions (OSD).-- 13. Accounting periods and methods.-- 14. Tax remedies.-- 15. Tax incentives under title xiii of the tax code as amended by CREATE act.-- 16. Barangay micro business enterprise (BMBE).


Income tax -- Law and Legislation -- Philippines

BFil. 336.24 / T111