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Real estate: Subdivision and condominium development/

Villanueva, Elvin B.

Real estate: Subdivision and condominium development/ by Elvin B. Villanueva - Quezon City: Central Book Supply, Inc., c2013 - xxvi, 258p.: 22.8cm - c2013

Chapter 1.-- Overview of the interplay of government agencies involved in housing development and finance-- 2. Rules on subdivision and condominium development-- 3. Rules on subdivision development project-- 4 Rules governing approval of subdivision plan-- 5. Rules on residential condominium development projects-- 6. Rules governing approval of condominium plan-- 7. Regulatory and administrative concerns-- 8. Economic and socialized housing projects-- 9. Urban development and housing program -- 10. Urban land reform act


Real estate development

BFil. 332.72 / V712r