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Juanita Cruz:

Jalandoni, Magdalena G.

Juanita Cruz: A novel/ by Magdalena G. Jalandoni - Quezon city: The university of the philippine press, c2006 - ix, 302p.: 22.9 cm.

Includes Glosary

Chapter I. My family. --II. The funeral I saw. --I. My nephew playmate. --IV. Ely's visit. --V. The following incidents. --VI. Our next meeting. --VII. The feast of empress elena. --VIII. Maestro Gabriel Dies. --IX. Ely's vow. --X. The program at the colegio. --XI. My oppressed heart. --XII. Angel's departure. --XIII. Outside the church . --XIV In the garden. --XV. My punishment. --XVI. I went away. --XVII. In manila. --XVIII. In Dona Sela's residence. --XIX. Told the truth. --XX.The will of the dead. --XXI. Alone with tiyay sela. --XXII. Our travels. --XXIII. Tiyay Sela Dies. --XXIV. Alone. --XXVI. The son of the prisoner. --XXVII. Reunion. --XXVIII. Ely's return. --XXIX. Our wedding. --XXX. Father Dies. --XXXI. Mila and I meet. --XXXII. Ely's exile. --XXXIII. Beside the dead. --XXXIV. Ely's return from exile. --XXXV Our trip. --XXXVI. Abroad. --XXXVII. The revolution flares up. --XXXVIII. The revolution rages. --XXXIX. The wounded soldier. --XL. After Ely's death.


BFil. 899.2113 / J21j