Writing and speaking at work: A practical guide for business communications/
Bailey, Edward P.
Writing and speaking at work: A practical guide for business communications/ by Edward P. Bailey - Second edition - New Jersey; Pearson Education, Inc. c2002. - xii, 261p.; 23.5cm.
Includes appendix and index
Chapter 1. -- What is good writing? -- 2. Developing a good style -- 3. Using example and comparisons -- 4. Making your page look inviting -- 5. Making your main point easy to find -- 6.Illustrating your ideas -- 7. Getting beyond the period and comma -- 8. Leaning commonsense rules -- 9. Preparing a resume and cover letter -- 10. Documenting your sources -- 11. Making the most of email -- 12. What is business speaking? -- 13. Using good techniques of delivery -- 14. Developing a clear student -- 15. Choosing and designing visual aids -- 16. Giving a presentation using a computer -- 17.Giving a presentation using -- 18. Rehearsing , setting up the room and overcoming nervousness -- 19. Preparing an annotated presentation
B.C. 658.45 / B15w
Writing and speaking at work: A practical guide for business communications/ by Edward P. Bailey - Second edition - New Jersey; Pearson Education, Inc. c2002. - xii, 261p.; 23.5cm.
Includes appendix and index
Chapter 1. -- What is good writing? -- 2. Developing a good style -- 3. Using example and comparisons -- 4. Making your page look inviting -- 5. Making your main point easy to find -- 6.Illustrating your ideas -- 7. Getting beyond the period and comma -- 8. Leaning commonsense rules -- 9. Preparing a resume and cover letter -- 10. Documenting your sources -- 11. Making the most of email -- 12. What is business speaking? -- 13. Using good techniques of delivery -- 14. Developing a clear student -- 15. Choosing and designing visual aids -- 16. Giving a presentation using a computer -- 17.Giving a presentation using -- 18. Rehearsing , setting up the room and overcoming nervousness -- 19. Preparing an annotated presentation
B.C. 658.45 / B15w