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Automated knowledge acquisition/

Sestito, Sabrina

Automated knowledge acquisition/ by Sabrina Sestito and Tharam S. Dillon - New York: Prentice Hall, c1994. - x, 378p.: ill.; 23.5cm.

Includes index.

Contents --1.General considerations --2.Introduction algorithms using decision trees --3.Introduction algorithms using progressive rule generation --4.Sub-symbolic learning methods-artificial neural networks --5.Other machine learning paradigms --6.Theoretical considerations --7.The extraction of rules and concepts using a single Hebbian neural network --8.Brainne-automated knowledge acquisition using multi-layered neural networks --9.Continuously brainne-automated knowledge acquisition using continuous data --10.Brainne in the real world --11.Unsupervised brainned-automated knowledge acquisition using unsupervised learning --12.Manual knowledge acquisition.


BCir. 006.33 / Se72a