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Quantitative approaches to management/

Levin, Richard I.

Quantitative approaches to management/ by Richard I. Levin, David S. Rubin, Joel P. Stinson and Everette S. Gardner, Jr. - New York: McGraw-Hill, c1992. - xix, 909p.: ill. 25cm.

Includes appendixes, bibliography and index

Chapter I.Introduction --II. A review of probability concepts --III. Forecasting --IV. Decision making using probabilities I --V. Decision making using probabilities II --VI. Inventory I --VII. Inventory II --VIII. Linear programming I: Solution methods --IX. Linear programming II: The simplex method --X. Linear programming III: Building LP models and interpreting solutions --XI. Specially structured linear program --XII. Networks --XIII. Extensions of linear programming --XIV Waiting lines --XV. Simulation --XVI. Markov analysis --XVII. MS/OR: Past, present and future.


BCir. 658.4034 / Q258 1992