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Introduction to marketing research/

Churchill, Gilbert A.

Introduction to marketing research/ by Gilbert A. Churchill - Australia: CENGAGE Learning, c2012. - 564p. ill.; 26.4

Includes glossary and index.

Chapter 1. The Role of Marketing Research --2. Gathering Marketing Intelligence: The Systems Approach --3. Gathering Marketing Intelligence: The Project Approach --4. Problem Formulation --5. Types of Research Design and Exploratory Research --6. Descriptive and Casual Research Designs --7. Secondary Data --8. Standardized Marketing Information Services --9. Collecting Primary Data --10. Collecting Information by Communication --11. Collecting Information by Observation --12.Asking Good Questions: Measurement Basics --13. Measuring Attitudes and Other Variables --14.Designing the Questionnaire or Observation Form --15. Developing the Sampling Plan --16. Determining Sample Size --17. Collecting the Data: Nonsampling Errors and Response Rate Calculation --18. Data Analysis: Preliminary Steps --19. Data Analysis: Analyzing Individual Variables and Basics of Hypothesis Testing --20. Data Analysis: Analyzing Multiple Variables Simultaneously --21. The Research Report.


Introduction to marketing research

BCir.658.83 / C475i 2012