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Evaluate yourself:

Evaluate yourself: Self-improvement (Expert guidance to help your ability and desire to improve yourself)/ - California: Sterling Paperback, c2004. - viii, 119p.: 21.3cm.

Contents. --Editor's Word. --1. Do you seek self-improvement?. --2. Are you getting the most out of life?. --3. Do you complicate your life?. --4. Do you love life?. --5. Do you let your age rule your life?. --6. Do you lead a happy life?. --7. Can you get on top of life?. --8. How well do you live with yourself?. --9. How well do you face life?. --10. If life against you?. 11. Who Directs your life?. --12. Are you realistic about life?. --13. Do you seize opportunity?. --14. How well do you do at letting go?. --15. Do you have self-discipline?. --16. Is your willpower strong?. --17. Are you self-confident?. --18. Are you well organized?. --19. How Flexible are you?. --20. Can you find happiness?. --21. Are you an optimist?. --22. Do you overlook details?. --23. How well can you take criticism?. --24. Can you stand stress?. --25. Do you learn from experience?. --26. Do you use your full potential?. --27. Do you have initiative?. --28. Are you level-headed?. --29. Are you a nervous type?. --30. Do you have tact?. --31. Do you make other people happy?. --32. Do you earn the respect of others?. --33. Are you a creature of habit?. --34. Do you care about others?. --35. Can you live with others?.


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