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Business communication: Making connections in a digital world/

Lesikar, Raymond V.

Business communication: Making connections in a digital world/ by Raymond V. Lesikar - Eleventh edition: - New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., c2008. - xxii, 639p.: ill.; 27.5cm.

Includes appendixes and index

Chapter1. Communication in The Workplace 2 --Chapter2. Adaption And the Selection of The Word 24 --Chapter3. Construction of Clear Sentences And Paragraphs 46 --Chapter4. Writing For Effects 67 --Chapter5. The Wring Process And an Introduction to Business messages 86 --Chapter6. Directness in Good-News And Neutral --Chapter7. Indirectness in Bad-news Massage 163 --Chapter8. Indirectness in Persuasive massage 200 --Chapter9. Strategies in The Job-Search process 238 --Chapter10. Basic of Reports Writing --Chapter11. Shorts Reports And Proposals 323 --Chapter12. Long, Formal Twelve --Chapter13. Graphics 412 --Chapter14. Informal Oral Communication 440 --Chapter15. Public Speaking And Oral Reporting 461 --Chapter16. Techniques of Cross-Cultural Communication 484 --Chapter17. Correctness of Communication 502 --Chapter18. Technology-Enable Communication --Chapter19 Business Research Methods 549.

978 0 07 128609 1

BCir. 651.7 / L56b 2008