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The practical skeptic: Core concepts in sociology/

Mclntyre, Lisa J.

The practical skeptic: Core concepts in sociology/ by Lisa J. Mclntyre - Second edition - U.S.A.: Mc-Graw Hill, c2002. - xiii, 257p.: ill.; 23.2cm.

Includes references, glossary and index.

Contents. --PART 1: Getting Started In Sociology. --Chapter 1. Responding to Chaos: A Brief History of Sociology. --Chapter 2. The Sociological Eye. --Chapter 3. Science and Fuzzy Objects: Specialization in Sociology. --Chapter 4. Who's Afraid of Sociology. --PART 2: Tools of Sociological Research. --Chapter 5. The Vocabulary of Science. --Chapter 6. Doing Social Research. --PART 3: The Social Environment. --Chapter 7. Culture. --Chapter 8. Social Structure. --Chapter 9. Society and Social Institutions. --PART 4. People In Society. --Chapter 10. Socialization. --Chapter 11. Deviance and Social Control. --PART 5: Inequality. --Chapter 12. Stratification and Inequality. Chapter 13. Inequality and Achievement: Social Class. --Chapter 14. Inequality and Ascription: Race, Ethnicity and Gender.


BCir. 301 / M18p