Child development:
Sroufe, L. Alan
Child development: Its nature and course/ by L. Alan Sroufe, Robert G. Cooper, Ganie B. DeHart and Mary E. Marshall - Third edition: - New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. c1996. - xxii, 678p.: ill. 25.5cm.
Includes reference and index
0 07 060570 X
BCir. 305.23'1 / Sr76c
Child development: Its nature and course/ by L. Alan Sroufe, Robert G. Cooper, Ganie B. DeHart and Mary E. Marshall - Third edition: - New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. c1996. - xxii, 678p.: ill. 25.5cm.
Includes reference and index
0 07 060570 X
BCir. 305.23'1 / Sr76c