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Data Structures & other objects:

Main, Michael

Data Structures & other objects: Using C++/ by Michael Main and Walter Savitch - U.S.A: Addison Wesley, c1997. - xxxi, 780p.: ill.; 22.5cm.

Includes appendixes and index.

Chapter List. --Chapter1. Program Specification, Design, and Analysis. --Chapter2. Abstract Data Types and C++Classes. --Chapter3. Container Classes. --Chapter4. Pointers and Dynamic Arrays. --Chapter5. Linked Lists. --Chapter6. Software Reuse with Templates. --Chapter7. Stacks. --Chapter8. Queues. --Chapter9. Recursive Thinking. --Chapter10. Trees. --Chapter11. Tree project --12. Searching --13. Sorting --14. Software reuse with derived classes --15.Graphs.


B.C. 005.133 / M28d