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Income and business taxation/

Ballada, Win

Income and business taxation/ by Win Ballada - Third edition - Domdane Publishers & Made easy Books c2013 - xvu, 342p.: ill.; 25.5 cm.

1. The tax environment --2. Tax-accounting concept --3. Income concept and exclusions 4. Deductions 5. Taxation of individuals --6. Taxation of corporation 7. Taxation of estates and trust --8. Taxation of partnerships and partners --9. Returns and payment of tax --10. Compliance and requirements --11. VAT on sale of goods or properties, services, imported goods --12. Output and input taxes --13. Vat exempt and zero-rated transaction --14. Withholding and remittance of VAT --15. Compliance requirements --16. Rates and bases of percentage tax --17. Returns, withholding of percentage taxes --18. Penalties and remedies.



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