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Forensic ballistic /

Manlusoc, Ariel C.

Forensic ballistic / by Ariel C. Manlusoc - Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading, Inc., c2016 - xii,204p.: ill.; 22cm - c2016

Includes bibliography and appendix.

Chapter 1.--Ballistics and its branches --2.The evolution of firearms --3.Firearms: Its nature and classification --4.Ammunition --5.Projectile --6.Cratridge case --7.Primer --8.Propellant --9.Firearms characteristics --10.The forensic ballistics problems --11.Investagation of ballistics case --12.Scientific instruments used in firearms identification.

--Ballistics and it branches --Types of motion in projectile --Branches of Ballistics --Scope of Forensic Ballistics --The evolution of firearms --important date in the development of firearms --Firearms: its nature and classification --Legal definition of firearms --Technical definition --Classification of firearms --Advantages and disadvantages of pistols and revolvers --Nomenclature of firearms and its functions --Definition, origin, types of ammunition --Classification of cartridges --Types of shots --Projectile --Types of Bullets --Types of bullets according to maximum --Effects on targets --Miscellaneous types of bullets --Cartridge case --Part of the cartridge case --Types of cartridge case --Primer --Origin of ignition system --Parts of the primer --Types of priming mixture compound --Propellant or Gun powder --Development of Gun Powder --Explosive and its classification --Black Powder --Firearms characteristics --Gun barrel --Stages in the manufacture of Barrel --Breech Face --Characteristics of firearms --Marks found on fired bullets --Marks found on fired shells --The forensic ballistics problems --The problems in forensic ballistics --Basis of forensic identification --Principles of bullet identification --Principles of shell identification --Principles of shell identification --Investigation of ballistics case --Procedure at crime scene --Search, collection, preservation and transmittal of physical --Evidence --Scientific instrument used in firearms


Firearms -- Identification.
Firearms -- Identification -- Problems, exercises, etc.

BFil. 623.4 / Sa7f 2016