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Outperforming markets:

Nielsen, Christian.

Outperforming markets: IC and the long-term performance of Japanese IPOs / by Christian Nielsen - Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd. 2015. - pages 83-96. - Quarterly - Volume 39, issue 2 (June 2015) - Accounting Forum. . - Volume 39, issue 2 (June 2015) 0155-9982 .

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This article studies the effects of disclosure practices of Japanese IPO propectuses on long-teram stock performance and bid-ask spread, as a proxy for cost of capital, after a company is admitted to the stock exchange. A disclosure index methodology is applied to 120 IPO prospectuses from 2003. Intellectual capital information leads to significantly better long-tearm performance against a reference portfolio, and is thus important to the capital market. Further, superior disclosures are important in an IPO setting. Analysts and investors can attain higher long-tearm returns by understanding IC.


Stock Exchange
Intellectual capital
Capital markets

BPer. 657.05 / Ac27