Waiting for the reckoning: Oil has plummeted, but inside the heart of fracking country in the boom towns of north dakota, fear is only just beginning to replace optimism/
Reingold, Jennifer.
Waiting for the reckoning: Oil has plummeted, but inside the heart of fracking country in the boom towns of north dakota, fear is only just beginning to replace optimism/ by Jennifer Reingold. - Hong Kong: Time Asia Limited, March 1, 2015. - pages 28-36 26.8cm - Monthly. - Volume 171, Number 3 (March 1, 2015) - Fortune. page 28-36 Volume 171, Number 3 (March 1, 2015) 0738-5587 .
Oil well drilling
BPer. 650.0519 / F77 2015
Waiting for the reckoning: Oil has plummeted, but inside the heart of fracking country in the boom towns of north dakota, fear is only just beginning to replace optimism/ by Jennifer Reingold. - Hong Kong: Time Asia Limited, March 1, 2015. - pages 28-36 26.8cm - Monthly. - Volume 171, Number 3 (March 1, 2015) - Fortune. page 28-36 Volume 171, Number 3 (March 1, 2015) 0738-5587 .
Oil well drilling
BPer. 650.0519 / F77 2015