The current and future state of gun policy in the United States/
Vizzard, William J.
The current and future state of gun policy in the United States/ by William J. Vizzard - Chicago: Northwestern University School of Law, Fall 2014 - 879-904page - Vol. 104, No. 4 (Fall 2014) - The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 879-904page Volume 104 Number 4 0091-4169 .
In spite of years of journalistic and public attention and debate, the United States has instituted few chages in firearms policy over the past century.
Gun control
BPer 364.05 / J827
The current and future state of gun policy in the United States/ by William J. Vizzard - Chicago: Northwestern University School of Law, Fall 2014 - 879-904page - Vol. 104, No. 4 (Fall 2014) - The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 879-904page Volume 104 Number 4 0091-4169 .
In spite of years of journalistic and public attention and debate, the United States has instituted few chages in firearms policy over the past century.
Gun control
BPer 364.05 / J827