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Criminologists licensure examination: Module 2 (Final Coaching)/

Peckley, Miller F.

Criminologists licensure examination: Module 2 (Final Coaching)/ by Miller F. Peckley - Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading Inc., c2013. - vi,47p. 22.2cm.

Include references

Introduction --Anatomy of a multiple choice question --Objective of multiple choice items --Varieties of multiple choice items --Terminology of multiple choices questions --General characteristics of multiple choice questions --How to answer MCQ;s --Types of question used on the test --How to analyze multiple choice questions --What are the kinds of answers --Steps in answering boards examination question --Process of elimination --How do you analyze a question? --Answering cycle --Suggested answers or alternatives --10-15% reminders --Skill --Comprehension and analyzation --2e+2B-1M=A formula --Practice drills.


Criminologist licensure examination

BFil.364.076 / P33c