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Awareness on the implemenation of joint administrative order no.2014-01 on the revise schedule of fines and penalties /

Prence S. Jamaquilan

Awareness on the implemenation of joint administrative order no.2014-01 on the revise schedule of fines and penalties / by Prence S. Jamaquilan, Noe L. Gementiza Jr. and Marjorie D. Requirme. - - Tagum City UM Tagum College c2014 - i, 42p. : ; 28cm. - (October 2016).

1. What is the level of the awareness on the Implementation of Joint Administrative order No. 2014-01 on the Revise Schedule of fines and penalties
1.1 Violation in connection with licensing;
1.2 Violation i the connection with motor vehicle registration or renewal or operation;
1.3 Violation in connection with dimensions specification weight and load limits; and
1.4 Violation in connection with franchise?
2. Is there a significant difference in the level of Awareness on the Implementation of Joint Administrative order No.2014-01 on the Revise Schedule of Fines and Penalties when the respondents are grouped according to:
2.1 Age; and
2.2 Gender?
