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Customary police functions of barangay tanod in La Filipina, Tagum City /

Wynzyn Ruth P. Comar

Customary police functions of barangay tanod in La Filipina, Tagum City / Wynzyn Ruth P. Comar, Rithel S. Martin and Mianel M. Padilla. - Tagum City UM Tagum College c2010 - i, 23p. : ; 28cm.

The main purpose of this study was to determine the Customary Police Function of Barangay Tanod in La Filipina, Tagum city.
Specially, it sought answers to the following questions:
1. What is the level of customary police function of barangay tanod in terms of:
1.1 Community service role;
1.2 Peacekeeping role; and
1.3 Domestic trouble?
2. Is there a significant difference in the level of customary police function of barangay tanod when grouped accordig to:
2.1 Purok; and
2.2 Gender?
