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American foreign policy since world war II/

Spanier, John

American foreign policy since world war II/ by John Spanier - Washington D.C: Congressional Quarterly, Inc. 1992 - vii, 448p.: ill.; 23cm.

Includes Appendix and index.

Chapter one: The American Approach to foreign policy. --Chapter two: The beginning of the Cold War.-- Chapter three: Containment in Europe.-- Chapter four: Containment in the Far East.-- Chapter five: The Strategy of Frontiersmanship'.-- Chapter six: Berlan,Cuba, and the Limits of Massive Retaliation.-- Chapter Seven: The Third World During the Cold War Years.-- Chapter eight: Vietnam and the Collapse of Containment.-- Chapter Nine: From Cold War I to Détente.-- Chapter Ten: Conflict with-and in the Third Wold.-- Chapter eleven: Reagan and Cold War 2 Revivinng U.S Military and Economic Capabilities.-- Chapter Twelve: Cold War 2 in Central America and the Midldle East.-- Chapter thirteen: Ending the Cold War: Negotiating the Terms of Peace.-- Chapter fourteen: Retrospect and Prospects.


BCir.327.73 / Sp241