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Patrol organization and operation/

Pagaduan, Nelson P.

Patrol organization and operation/ by Nelson P. Pagaduan - s.n., - 42p. 26.5 cm.

The purpose of police patrol --The reactive and proactive patrol --Objectives of police field operations --Activities of the patrol division --Private police activities --Distribution of the patrol force --Factors that determine patrol development --Designation of districts --Types of patrol --Foot patrol --Horse patrol --motorcycles --Bicycles and small vehicles --Helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft --Automobile patrol --Boats and amphibians vehicles --Fixed surveillance --Basic field procedures --Foot patrol tactics --Vehicle patrol tactics --Patrol driving --Plainclothes patrol --Inspections on patrol --"Attractive nuisances" or patrol hazards --Preparation for surveillance --Foot surveillance --Auto surveillance --Takeout --Basic guidelines for a takeout --Essentials for a police communication system --Methods of cover and search --Unusual occurences --Disaster response --Unlawful assembly --Police purpose and objectives --Psychological influences --Stage in mob formation --Procedure for handling and unlawfully assembly --Strike duty.

BFil. 363.2068 / P14p