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VEAT banana chips production and distribution /

Alcantara, Earl Angielo B.

VEAT banana chips production and distribution / by Earl Angielo B. Alcantara, Tiffany R. Tagab and Vaneza I. Dulom. - Bansalan: UM Bansalan College, c2011. - ii, 23p. : ill. ; 28cm.

The proposed feasibility study is a business engaging in agricultural field. The proponents of the project are Earl Angielo Alcantara, Vaneza Dulom and Tiffany R. Tagab who are taking up business course. The name of the business shall be called VEAT Banana Chips. The proposed site of the Business is in Villa Doneza, Bansalan, Davao del Sur in which the location is very accessible to everyone.

BFS Al16v 2011