Student teaching handbook/
Atienza, Sonia Monzon
Student teaching handbook/ Sonia Monzon-Atienza, Elena Jusay-Castillo, Rosalinda Genciana-Garibay, Myrna Fajardo-Ramos - Manila REX book store, Inc. c2000 - vi;72p. ill.; 27.8cm.
Includes references and appendix.
Chapter 1.--Overview --2.Student teaching --3.Interpersonal relationship --4.Records and forms.
BFil.370.71 / St9
Student teaching handbook/ Sonia Monzon-Atienza, Elena Jusay-Castillo, Rosalinda Genciana-Garibay, Myrna Fajardo-Ramos - Manila REX book store, Inc. c2000 - vi;72p. ill.; 27.8cm.
Includes references and appendix.
Chapter 1.--Overview --2.Student teaching --3.Interpersonal relationship --4.Records and forms.
BFil.370.71 / St9