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Microsoft office xp: Volume I expanded/

Microsoft office xp: Volume I expanded/ by. Stephen Haag, James T. Perry, Rick Parker and Merrill Wells. - New York.: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, c2002 - xxvi-440p.:i ill.; 28cm

Includes Index and appendix.

Contents. --Chapter1. Working with Document. --Chapter2. Formatting and Editing a Document. --Chapter3. Formatting Longer Documents. --Chapter4. Using Tables and Graphics. --EXCEL. --Chapter1. Creating Worksheets for decision maker. --Chapter2. Planning and creating a worksheet. --Chapter3. Formatting a worksheet. --Chapter4. Creating Charts. --ACCESS. --Chapter1. Understanding Relational Databases. --Chapter2. Maintaining your Database. --Chapter3. Introducing Queries, Filters, Forms, and Reports. --Chapter4. Compound Queries and Database Utilities. --POWERPOINT. --Chapter1. Presentation Basics. --Chapter2. Organizing your presentation. --Chapter3. Refining your Presentation. --Chapter4. Enhancing your Presentation with Graphics.


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