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Bar review companion: Labor laws and social legislation/

Bautista, Andres D.

Bar review companion: Labor laws and social legislation/ by Andres D. Bautista and Maria Antonette Quiogue - Pasig City: Anvil Publishing, Inc., c2011 - 445p. 25.4cm. - c2011

I. Presidential decree no. 442- the labor code of the Philippines, as amended --II. Omnibus rules implementing the labor code preliminary provision --III. The 2005 revised rules of procedure of the national labor relations commission --IV. Presidential decree no. 851-13th month pay law --V. Revised guidelines on the implementation of the 13th month pay law --VI. Rules and regulations implementing presidential decree no. 851 --VII. Republic act no. 8042- migrant workers and overseas filipinos act of 1995 --VIII. Omnibus rules and regulations implementing republic act no. 8042 --IX. Republic act no. 8282- social security act of 1997 --X. Republic act no. 8291- the government service insurance system act of 1997 --XI. Republic act no. 7877- anti sexual harassment act of 1995 --XII. Executive order no. 180- providing guidelines for the exercise of the right to organize of government employees, creating a public sector labor-management council, and for other purposes --XIII. Republic act no. 6657- comprehensive agrarian reform law of 1988n --XIV. Republic act no. 8187- paternity leave act of 1996 --XV. Republic act no. 7641- retirement pay law.


Labor laws and legislation

BFil. 174.309599 / B32b