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Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry : Laboratory manual /

Holum, John R.

Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry : Laboratory manual / by John R. Holum and Sandra A. Olmsted - Fifth edition - USA: John Willey and Sons, Inc. c1994 - 384p. : ill.; 28cm.

Chapter 1. Laboratory operations, reporting data, and safety --2. The international system (SI) of units: metric quantities --3. Energy and matter: physical and chemical properties and changes --4. Mass relations in chemical changes --5. Behavior of matter in gaseous state --6. Solutions and the kinetic- molecular theory --7. Factors affecting rates of reactions and dynamic equilibrium: catalysts, temperature, and concentration --8. Properties of water and solutions --9. Behavior of ionic substances in aqueous solution --10. The hydrogen ion: its determination and control --11. Oxidation and reduction --12. Nuclear chemistry --13. Hydrocarbons --14. Compounds containing oxygen (and sulfur) --15. Nitrogen compounds --16. Over-the-counter drugs --17. Polymers --18. Isomerism and chirality --19. Carbohydrates --20. Lipids --21. Proteins --22. Chemistry of heredity --23. Enzymes and digestion --24. Food and metabolism.


BCir. 540 / H74f 1994