Understanding chess endgames/
Nunn, John
Understanding chess endgames/ by John Nunn - Philippines: Gambit Publication, c2009 - 231p.: ill.; 24.7 cm. - c.1
Include index.
Chapter I. King and pawn endings --Chapter II. Knight endings --Chapter III. Same-colored bishop endings --Chapter IV. Opposite colored bishop endings --Chapter VI. Rook endings --Chapter VII. Rook vs. minor peace endings --Chapter VIII. Queen endings --Chapter IX. Other material combinations --Chapter X. Tactical ideas.
BCir. 794.12 / N923u 2009
Understanding chess endgames/ by John Nunn - Philippines: Gambit Publication, c2009 - 231p.: ill.; 24.7 cm. - c.1
Include index.
Chapter I. King and pawn endings --Chapter II. Knight endings --Chapter III. Same-colored bishop endings --Chapter IV. Opposite colored bishop endings --Chapter VI. Rook endings --Chapter VII. Rook vs. minor peace endings --Chapter VIII. Queen endings --Chapter IX. Other material combinations --Chapter X. Tactical ideas.
BCir. 794.12 / N923u 2009