Why strategic plans fail:
Shamis Gary and Nisberg Jay
Why strategic plans fail: 6 reasons why firms roadmaps to the future never get past today/ by Gary Shamis and Jay Nisberg - New York: SourceMedia Inc., c2016 - pages 36-37 - Vol.30, No.10 (October 2016 - Accounting today pages 36-37 Volume 30 Number 10 1044-5714 .
Strategic Planning
BPer.657.05 / Ac27 2016
Why strategic plans fail: 6 reasons why firms roadmaps to the future never get past today/ by Gary Shamis and Jay Nisberg - New York: SourceMedia Inc., c2016 - pages 36-37 - Vol.30, No.10 (October 2016 - Accounting today pages 36-37 Volume 30 Number 10 1044-5714 .
Strategic Planning
BPer.657.05 / Ac27 2016