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Researching the fragments : Histories of women in the Asian context/

Brewer, Carolyn

Researching the fragments : Histories of women in the Asian context/ by Carolyn Brewer and Anne-Marie Medcalf - Quezon City : New Day Publishers, c2000 - xiv, 276p.: 23cm.

include bibliography

Introduction --"I am no longer a lost soul" tracing my Chinese heritage --In the presence of living beings many, in fact, dead --Our identity and family photographs: the appearances of our experiences --Reconstructing a homeland: gender, gallicity and sense of place in colonial Vietnam --Shooting off at tangents: researching Eleanor mary hinder in shanghai --The lives of the ah ku and karayuki-san of Singapore: sources, method and a historian's representation --facing away from japan: Japanese prostitutes in asia before world war II --Researching the fragments: old women and idols in sixteenth century Cebu --Beauty queen, moral guardian, inang bayan, and militant nun: images of female power in postwar Philippines --Images of women in classical malay fiction --The mosuo, myths of matriarchy and the kingdom of women --Crossing gender boundaries in china: nushu narratives


BFil. 305.4'095 / R311