Digital crime:
Barrett, Neil
Digital crime: Policing the cybernation/ by Neil Barrett - London: Kogan oage limited 1997 - page 1-224
Includes references and index.
1.The information age --2. Crime against computer --3.Crime supported by computers --4.Digital crime and the law --5.Prosecution in the information age --6.From digital crime to digital conflict cyberwar.
BCir.364.168 / B27d 1997
Digital crime: Policing the cybernation/ by Neil Barrett - London: Kogan oage limited 1997 - page 1-224
Includes references and index.
1.The information age --2. Crime against computer --3.Crime supported by computers --4.Digital crime and the law --5.Prosecution in the information age --6.From digital crime to digital conflict cyberwar.
BCir.364.168 / B27d 1997