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Challenging knowledge: The university in the knowledge society/

Delanty, Gerard

Challenging knowledge: The university in the knowledge society/ by Gerard Delanty - Celtic court 22 ballmoor: SRHE and Open University Press c2001 - viii-p.176

Includes reference and index.

Contents 1.Knowledge and cognition:The sociology of knowledge reconsidered --2.The University in the age of liberal modernity:Between cosmopolitanism and nation state --3.The University in organized modernity:Capitalism, the state and citizenship --4.The transformative project:Democracy, the counter-culture and communication --5.The institutionalization of critique:Intellectuals, the public sphere and the University --6.Academic power and cultural capital:Bourdieu on knowledge and the University --7.The University and the new production of knowledge:From the procedure to the users --8.Globalization and academic capitalism:The new knowledge flows --9.The postmodern University:Deconstructing knowledge and institutions --10.The new politics of knowledge:Culture wars, identity and multiculturalism.


BCir.378 / D37c 2001