Imminent changes to corporate social responsibility reporting/
Weber, Jessica L.
Imminent changes to corporate social responsibility reporting/ by Jessica Weber - New York: New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants, C2016 - page 58-63 - Vol.LXXXVI,No.6 (June 2016) - The CPA Journal page 58-63 Vol.LXXXVI,No.6 0732-8435 .
Social responsibility of business
BPer.657.05 / C839
Imminent changes to corporate social responsibility reporting/ by Jessica Weber - New York: New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants, C2016 - page 58-63 - Vol.LXXXVI,No.6 (June 2016) - The CPA Journal page 58-63 Vol.LXXXVI,No.6 0732-8435 .
Social responsibility of business
BPer.657.05 / C839