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Holt science & technology:

Holt science & technology: Science puzzlers, twisters & teasers/ - Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, - iv, 51page

The world of life science --It's alive!! or is it? --Cells: the basic units of life --The cell in action --Heredity --Genes and DNA --The evolution of living things --The history of life on earth --Classification --Bacteria and viruses --Protists and fungi --Introduction to plants --Plant processes --Animal and behavior --Invertebrates --Fishes, amphibians, and reptiles --Birds and mammals --Interactions of living things --Cycles in nature --The earth's ecosystems --Environmental problems and solutions --Body organization and structure --Circulation and respiration --The digestive and urinary systems --Communication and control --Reproduction and development --Body defenses and disease --Staying healthy.


Science - Study and Teaching

BTSH 500 / H74