Taming Oligopolies through Competition Law/
Butuyan, El Cid R.
Taming Oligopolies through Competition Law/ by El Cid Butuyan - Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines: University of the Philippines College of Law - 12 pages - Quarterly - August 2018 - Philippine Law Journal Vol.91, No.3 (August 2018) 0031-7721 . - Vol.91, No.3 (August 2018) 0031-7721 .
Competition - Law
BPer. 340 / P538
Taming Oligopolies through Competition Law/ by El Cid Butuyan - Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines: University of the Philippines College of Law - 12 pages - Quarterly - August 2018 - Philippine Law Journal Vol.91, No.3 (August 2018) 0031-7721 . - Vol.91, No.3 (August 2018) 0031-7721 .
Competition - Law
BPer. 340 / P538