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Marksmanship and combat shooting/

Ibutnande, Dennis I.

Marksmanship and combat shooting/ by Dennis I. Ibutnande - Quezon City : Wiseman's Books Trading, Inc., c2020 - vi, 130 pages: illustrations; 22 centimeters - c2020

Includes references.

Chapter I: Fundamentals of Marksmanship.-- Chapter II: Shot Sequence in Bullseye Shooting.-- Chapter III: Apply the Fundamentals.-- Chapter IV: The Draw.-- Chapter V: Shooting Position and Techniques.-- Chapter VI: Going Prone.-- Chapter VII: Rapid Fire.-- Chapter VIII: Night Firing.-- Chapter IX: Gun Handling.-- Chapter X: Reloading the Auto Pistol.-- Chapter XI.


Police - Training

BFil. 363.23 / Ib8m