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Life and works of Jose Rizal : Biography, writings, and legacies of our bayani/

Mañebog, Jensen D.G.

Life and works of Jose Rizal : Biography, writings, and legacies of our bayani/ by Jensen D.G. Mañebog - Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc., c2018 - vi, 265 pages: illustrations; 25 centimeters - c2018

Includes appendices

Chapter I: Introduction to the Course Republic Act 1425.-- Chapter II: 19th Century Philippines as Rizal's Context.-- Chapter III: Rizal's Life: Rizal's Family, Childhood, and Early Education.-- Chapter IV: Higher Education and Life Abroad.-- Chapter V: Exile, Trial, and Death.-- Chapter VI: Annotations of Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas.-- Chapter VII: Noli Me Tangere.-- Chapter VIII: El Filibusterismo.-- Chapter IX: The Philippines a Century Hence ("Filipinas Dentro De Clen Años").-- Chapter X: Jose Rizal and Philippine Nationalism: Bayani and Kabayanihan.-- Chapter XI: Jose Rizal and Philippine Nationalism: National Symbol.


Heroes and heroines -- Philippines -- Biography

BFil. 920 / M26l