The efficiency on the supply of rice in magsaysay, davao del sur / by Cristine Joyce Canda, Denmark Purisima and Jomar Deloria.
Material type:
- BT/C21e/2018
This study aimed to determine the level of efficiency on the supply of rice in Magsaysay Davao del Sur. The researchers of this study evaluated the efficiency of supply through the aid of descriptive analysis of the per-existing data obtained from the Department of Agriculture- Magsaysay. The main role of the researher is to collect all possible data that is deemed necessary in the materialization of the study. Also with monitoring and reducing biases by developing competence method. The data that the researcher collected were compiled and analyzed to come up with the desirable answer in adherence to the objectives of the study. The data presented were analyzed and acclaimed to have an efficient rice supply in the area. In which the production growth of rice for the three consecutive years produce a positive increase by 10.60% yearly and when viewed by production per hectare, the production of rice for three years play in the range of 4.89 MT/Ha to 7.07 MT/Ha.Which conforms that the supply of rice in the area efficiently attained. Moreover, the said increase of production is due to the unending support of the LGU - Magsaysay which committed themselves in the contribution of quality services that help rice farmers in the attainment of positive production growth.
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