Statistics for psychology : A beginner's guide /
by Roger Watt
- Second Edition
- Los Angeles : SAGE, c2023.
- xxxii, 356 pages ; illustrated : 23 cm.
- c2023
Includes index.
Contents: Chapter 1: Why Do We Need Statistics? Chapter 2: The Research Cycle Chapter 3: Variables Chapter 4: Relationships between Variables Intermezzo 1: Correlation Chapter 5: Uncertainty Chapter 6: Null Hypothesis Testing Chapter 7: Statistical Tests for One Independent Variable Intermezzo 2: Alternatives to NHST: Bayes and Likelihood Chapter 8: Minimising Uncertainty: Research Design Chapter 9: Measurements and Uncertainty Chapter 10: Sampling and Uncertainty Intermezzo 3: Uncertain Power Analysis Chapter 11: Hypotheses with More than One Independent Variable Chapter 12: Covariations: Relationships between Two Independent Variables Chapter 13: Analysing Data with Two or More Independent Variables Chapter 14: Which Model is Best? Intermezzo 4: Combining Multiple Studies: Replication and Meta-Analysis Chapter 15: Contributing to Knowledge