Doing quantitative research in education with IBM SPSS statistics/
by Daniel Muijs
- Third Edition
- London: Sage Publications, Ltd., c2022
- xiii, 218 pages : illustrations; 25 centimeters
- c2022
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Chapter 1. Introduction to quantitative research.-- Chapter 2. Experimental and quasi-experimental research.-- Chapter 3. Designing non-experimental studies.-- Chapter 4. Validity, reliability and generalisability.-- Chapter 5. Introduction to IBM SPSS Statistics and the data set.-- Chapter 6. Univariate statistics.-- Chapter 7. Bivariate analysis: comparing two groups.-- Chapter 8. Bivariate analysis: looking at the relationship between two variables.-- Chapter 9. Multivariate analysis: using regression models to look at the relationship between several predictors and one dependent variable.-- Chapter 10. Using analysis of variance to compare more than two groups.-- Chapter 11. Developing scales and measures: item and factor analysis.-- Chapter 12. One step beyond: introduction to multilevel modelling and structural