Torres, Justo P., Jr.

The law on negotiable instruments/ by Justo P. Torres, Jr. - Revised edition - Quezon City : Rex Printing Company, Inc., c1998 - xxiii, 296p: ill.; 23cm.

Includes index

Part one. Introductory --Part two. Negotiable instruments law in general --Chapter I. Form and interpretation II. Consideration --III. Negotiation --IV. Rights of the holder --V. Liabilities of parties --VI. Presentment for payment --VII. Notice of dishonor --VIII. Discharge of negotiable instruments --IX. Form and interpretation --X. Acceptance --XI. Presentment for acceptance --XII. Protest --XIII. Acceptance for honor --XIV. Payment for honor --XV. Bills in set --XVI. Promissory notes --XVII.Definitions --Part Three. The warehouse receipts act --Chapter I. The issues of warehouse receipts --II. Obligations and rights of warehouseman upon their receipts --III. Negotiation and transfer of receipts --IV. Criminal offense --V. Interpretation --Part Four. The law on documents of title --Part Five. Forms.


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