Stevenson, William J.
Production/Operations management/
by William J. Stevenson
- Singapore: Irwin/McGraw-Hill c1999.
- xvi, 891p.: ill. 25.5cm.
Includes appendix and index
brief contents --1. introduction 1 --2. forecasting 85 --3. design of production system 147 --4. quality 417 --5. operating and controlling the system 521 --6. facilities layout 267 --7. design of work system 309 --8 location planning and analysis 361 --9. introduction to quality 419 --10. quality control 439 --11. total quality management (TQM) 491 --12. aggregate planning 523 --13. inventory management 557 --14. material requirements planning 617 --15. just-in-time system --16. supply chain management 693 --17. scheduling 721 --18. project management 765 --19. waiting lines 811.
B.C. 658.5 / St48p