Cabrera, Ma. Nenita-Balatbat

Financial management principles and applications/ by Ma. Elenita Balatbat Cabrera - 2013-2014 edition - Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc., c2012 - xxiii ill.; 26cm.

Includes appendix and referemces

Chapter 1. Nature, purpose and scope of financial management --2. Relationship of financial objectives to organizational strategy and other organizational objectives --3. Functions of financial management --4. Forms of business organization --5. Applications of microeconomics theory as a basis for understanding the key economic variables affecting the business --6. Applications of macroeconomics theory as a basis for understanding the key economic variables affecting the business --7. Competition and policies towards monopolies and oligopolies, privatization and deregulation --8. Understanding the role of the financial markets and institutions --9. International trade --10. The time value of money --11. Understanding financial statements --12. Analysis of financial statements --13. Cash flow analysis --14. Operating and financial leverage --15. Financial forecasting for strategic growth --16. Forecasting short-term(operating) financial requirements --17. Addressing the working capital policies and management of short-term assets and liabilities --18. Cash and marketable securities management --19. Accounts receivable and inventory management --20. Short-term sources for financing current assets --21. Financial risk management --22. Estimating risk and return on assets --23. Capital asset pricing model and modern portfolio theory --24. Assessing long-term debt, equity and capital structure --25. Sources of long-term financing --26. Sharing firm wealth: dividends, share repurchase and other payout --27. Calculating the cost of capital --28. Basics of capital budgeting --29. Screening and selecting capital investment proposals --30. Mergers and acquisitions; divestitures --31. International aspects of corporate finance.


Corporations -- Finance

BFil.658.15 / C11f