Principles of marketing/
by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong.
- Seventh edition
- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. c1996.
- xviii, 713p. 26.5cm.
Includes appendix, glossary and index
Chapter 1. Marketing in a changing world: creating customer value and satisfaction --2. Strategic planning and the marketing --3. The marketing environment --4. Marketing research and information opportunities --5. Consumer market and consumer buyer behavior --6. Business markets and business buyer behavior --7. Measuring and forecasting demand --8. Marketing segmentation , targeting and positioning for competitive advantage --9. Designing products: products , brand , packaging , and services --10. Designing products; new-product development and product life-cycle strategies --11. Pricing products: pricing considerations and approaches --12. Pricing products: pricing strategies --13. placing products: distribution channels and logistics management --14. Placing products: retailing and wholesaling --15. Promotion products: marketing communication strategy --16. Promoting products: advertising , sales promotion , and public relation --17. Promoting products: personal selling and sales management --18. Building customers relationships through satisfaction , value , and quality --19. Creating competitive advantage: competitor analysis and competitive marketing strategies --20. The global marketplace --21. Marketing services , organization , persons , places , and ideas --22. Marketing and society: social responsibility and marketing ethics.