Salter, Christopher L..

Eastern hemisphere/ by Christopher L. Salter - Teacher's Edition - Orlando, Florida: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, c2012 - xxiii,: ill.; 28.4 cm. - c2012

includes atlas, gazetteer, glossary and index.

Chapter 1: A Geography's World.-- Chapter 2: Planet Earth.-- Chapter 3: Climate, Environment, and Resources.-- Chapter 4: The World's People.-- Chapter 5: History of the Fertile Crescent, 7000-500 BC.-- Chapter 6: Judaism and Christianity, 2000 BC-AD 1453.-- Chapter 7: History of the Islamic World, AD 550-1650.-- Chapter 8: The Eastern Mediterranean.-- Chapter 9: The Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, and Iran.-- Chapter 10: Central Asia.-- Chapter 11: History of Ancient Egypt, 4500-500 BC.-- Chapter 12: History of Ancient Kush, 2300 BC-AD 350.-- Chapter 13: History of West Africa, 500 BC-AD 1650.-- Chapter 14 : North Africa.-- Chapter 15: West Africa.-- Chapter 16: East Africa.-- Chapter 17: Central Africa.-- Chapter 18: Southern Africa.-- Chapter 19: History of Ancient India, 2300 BC-AD 500.-- Chapter 20 History of Ancient China, 1600 BC-AD 1450.-- Chapter 21: The Indian Subcontinent.-- Chapter 22: China, Mongolia, and Taiwan.-- Chapter 23: Japan and the Koreas.-- Chapter 24: Southeast Asia.-- Chapter 25: The Pacific World.-- Chapter 26: Early History of Europe, 2000 BC-AD1500.-- Chapter 27: History of Early Modern Europe, 1500-1900.-- Chapter 28: Modern European History. 1900- Today.-- Chapter 29: Southern Europe.-- Chapter 30: West-Central Europe.-- Chapter 31: Northern Europe.-- Chapter 32: Eastern Europe.-- Chapter 33: Russia and Caucasus.

BSHT 919.09

Geography -- Study and teaching (Middle school)
Western Hemisphere -- Geography -- Study and teaching (Middle school)
Africa -- Geography -- Study and teaching (Middle school)
Asia -- Geography -- Study and teaching (Middle school)
Eastern Hemisphere -- Geography -- Study and teaching (Middle school)
Europe -- Geography -- Study and teaching (Middle school)

BTSH 919.09 / Sa3c