Hewitt, Paul G..

Conceptual physics: The high school physics program/ by Paul G. Hewitt - Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., c2006 - xix, 723p.: Illustrations,; 26.1 cm. - c2006

Includes appendix, glossary and index.

Chapter 1: About Science.-- Unit I: Mechanics.-- Chapter 2: Linear Motion.-- Chapter 3: Projectile Motion.-- Chapter 4: Newton's First Law of Motion-Inertia.-- Chapter 5: Newton's Second Law of Motion- Force and Acceleration.-- Chapter 6: Newton's Third Law of Motion-Action and Reaction.-- Chapter 7: Momentum.-- Chapter 8: Energy.-- Chapter 9: Circular Motion.-- Chapter 10: Center of Gravity.-- Chapter 11: Rotational Mechanics.-- Chapter 12: Universal Gravitation.-- Chapter 13: Gravitational Interactions.-- Chapter 14: Satellite Motion.-- Chapter 15: Special Relativity-Space and Time.-- Chapter 16: Special Relativity- Length, Momentum, and Energy.-- Unit II: Properties of Matter.-- Chapter 17: The Atomic Nature of Matter.-- Chapter 20: Gases.-- Unit III: Heat.-- Chapter 21: Temperature, Heat, and Expansion.-- Chapter 22: Heat Transfer.-- Chapter 23: Change of Phase.-- Chapter 24: Thermodynamics.-- Unit IV: Sound and Light Chapter 25: Vibration and Waves.-- Chapter 26: Sound.-- Chapter 27: Light.-- Chapter 28: Color.-- Chapter 29: Reflection and Refraction.-- Chapter 30: Lenses.-- Chapter 31: Diffraction and Interference.-- Unit V: Electricity and Magnetism.-- Chapter 32: Electrostatics.-- Chapter 33: Electric Fields and Potential.-- Chapter 34: Electric Current.-- Chapter 35: Electric Circuits.-- Chapter 36: Magnetism.-- Chapter 37: Electromagnetic Induction.-- Unit VI: Atomic and Nuclear Physics.-- Chapter 38: The atom and the Quantum.-- Chapter 39: The Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity.-- Chapter 40: Nuclear Fission and Fusion.



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