George, Rickey L.

Counseling: Theory and practice/ by Rickey L. George and Therese S. Cristiani - Revised edition - Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon, c1995. - viii, 312p.: 28.5cm.

Includes appendix A, Appendix B, Name Index and Subject Index

PART1 Introduction to Counseling. --1. An Overview to Counseling. --2. On Becoming a Counselor. -- Part 2 Theoretical Approaches to Counseling. --3. Psychoanalytic Foundations. --4. Affective Approaches to Counseling. --5. Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to Counseling. --6. Toward a Personal Theory of Counseling. -- Part 3 Counseling Processes and methods. --7. Characteristics of a Heling Relationship. --8. Counseling Procedures/Skills: I. --9. Counseling Procedure/Skills: II. --10. Counseling Selected Special Populations. --11. Models of Helping. --12. Career Counseling. --13. Diagnosis and assessment. --14. Professional Issues.


Bcir. 158.3 / G293c